NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Tile Work Performed by Super April 30, 1994 Access to Roof and Basement Storage Area Not Required April 30, 1994 Landlord Replaced Existing Screens April 30, 1994 Landlord Repaired Cracked Window Pane April 30, 1994 Deemed Leases Apply While Apartment Was Temporarily Exempt from Rent Stabilization April 30, 1994 Landlord Submitted Usable Comparability Data April 30, 1994 Peeling Paint and Plaster Not Mentioned in Rent Cut Order April 30, 1994 Parking Space Is Required April 30, 1994 DRA Miscalculated MCI Rent Increase April 30, 1994 Rent Cut Limited to Tenant Who Signed Complaint April 30, 1994 Landlord Can't Charge for Prior Tenant's Unpaid Rent April 1, 1994 Tenant's Photos Not Relevant April 1, 1994 first previous ... 776 777 778(current) 779 780 ... next last