NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Foyer Counts as Room February 1, 2000 Door Difficult to Lock February 1, 2000 Inspection Conducted in April February 1, 2000 Inadequate Freezer Temperature February 1, 2000 Electrical Work Done with Elevator Upgrading February 1, 2000 Landlord Didn't Meet Useful Life Requirements February 1, 2000 Landlord Can Lock Roof Door at Night February 1, 2000 Refrigerator Was Too Cold February 1, 2000 Tenant Proved Master Antenna Previously Provided February 1, 2000 Termite Infestation February 1, 2000 Triple Damages Revoked February 1, 2000 Later Violations Aren't Considered February 1, 2000 first previous ... 638 639 640(current) 641 642 ... next last