NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Garbage Bags Stored in Basement February 1, 2000 Replacement of Eight-Year-Old Boiler February 1, 2000 Tenant Refused Delivery of New Refrigerator February 1, 2000 Mismatched Kitchen Tiles February 1, 2000 Building in Foreclosure February 1, 2000 Tenant Got Court-Ordered Rent Cut for Same Condition February 1, 2000 Landlord Made Window Repairs February 1, 2000 Tenants Signed Settlement Agreement in Housing Court February 1, 2000 Landlord Filed Late Registration February 1, 2000 Landlord Can't File Certification After Complaint Filed February 1, 2000 Useless Elevator Mirror February 1, 2000 Landlord Proved Correction of Violations January 1, 2000 first previous ... 639 640 641(current) 642 643 ... next last