August 2019
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Court to Set Amount of Monthly Use and Occupancy Based on DHCR Determination of Legal Rent
No Rent Overcharge Found Using Four-Year Base Date
Tenant Can't Rely on Nonbinding Lease Agreement to Get Attorney's Fees
Landlord Who Doesn't Prove Cost of IAIs Must Refund Triple Damages for Rent Overcharge
Tenant Can't Sue NYC or Its Mayor for Lead Paint Exposure Claim
Court Grants Pre-Trial Questioning on Rent Overcharge Claim
Landlord Didn't Offer Proper Rent-Stabilized Renewal Lease
Amended Law Bars Landlord from Recovering Entire Building for Owner Occupancy
Landlord Can't Get Back Rent from Tenant Who Moved Out Under Surrender Agreement
Was Landlord Responsible for Building Visitor's Slip and Fall?
Tenant Excused from Apparent Default During Probation Period
Landlord Didn't Provide Rent Receipts to Tenant
Tenant Claims Overcharge Based on Large Rent Hike More Than Four Years Earlier
Court Permits Discovery of Rent History Records Going Back 23 Years
Landlord's ETPA Renewal Lease Offer Didn't Waive Termination Notice
Security Cameras Installed by Cooperative Qualified as MCI
Landlord's 2016 Application for Deregulation Sent Back to DRA for Reconsideration
Deregulation Application Based on High Rent/High Income Denied
Landlord's Building Work Didn't Qualify as Substantial Rehab
Apartment Occupant Had No Standing to Appeal Rent Administrator's Ruling
Landlord Can Modify Courtyard and Underground Parking Services
Peeling Paint Conditions in Staircase Landings Weren't Minor
Handicap Access Lift Not Maintained
Cracked Floorboards Weren't a Minor Condition
Rent Restoration Granted Based on DHCR Inspection
Rent Reduction Order Amended to Clarify Conditions Found
Rent-Stabilized Tenant Can't Add Son to Parking Space Lease
Rent-Stabilized Tenant's Son Gets Apartment After Tenant Dies
First Rent Collected in Building That Became Stabilized Was the Legal Regulated Rent
Renewal Lease Incorrectly Applied Preferential Rent Rider Terms
Rent-Stabilized Apartment Was Vacancy Deregulated Before Tenants Moved In
Rent Overcharge Refund Reduced to Reflect Back Rent Owed
New Landlord Must Pay Triple Damages for Prior Landlord's Willful Overcharge
No Refund Due Based on Overcharge in Light of Back Rent Owed
Refund Delay Resulted from Landlord's Attempt to Apportion Refund Owed to DSS
Landlord Can't Increase Preferential Rent During Rent-Stabilized Lease Term
Rent-Stabilized Tenant Was Overcharged for Garage Parking Space
Improper Deregulation While Building Got J-51 Benefits Didn't Warrant Using Default Formula
Overcharge Case Reopened to Consider Effect of Judicial Sale on New Landlord's Liability
Rent Overcharge Wasn't Hyper Technical and Resulted in Triple Damages
Instances of Tenant Misconduct Didn't Amount to Nuisance
Tenant Entitled to Oust Apartment Occupants Without Legal Process
Landlord Didn't Send Timely Termination Notice
Rent-Stabilized Tenant's Grandson Gets Apartment
Disabled Tenant Can Conduct Pre-Trial Questioning
Corporate Landlord's Head Officer Can Be Named in Tenants' HP Proceeding
Court Rules Tenant Should File Overcharge Claim with DHCR
Prior Tenant Never Filed Fair Market Rent Appeal
Tenant Can Request Rent History Records Back to 2001
NYCHA Improperly Ruled That Tenant's Daughter Didn't Have Succession Rights
Rent Demand Included Excessive Late Fee Claim
Landlord Didn't Identify Known Occupants by Name in Court Papers
Did Landlord Wait Too Long to Seek Rent in Eviction Proceeding?
Landlord Didn't Acknowledge Rent-Regulated Tenancies on Demolition Permit Application
Landlord Fined for Not Acknowledging Rent-Regulated Tenants on Permit Application
Landlord Fined for Illegal Gas Supply to Laundry Room
Landlord Fined $625 for Failing to Maintain Boiler
Landlord Fined $700 for Failing to Install Backflow Prevention Device
OSHA Training Not Required for Facade Workers at Small Site
Landlord Fined for Placing Open Cardboard Boxes Out for Collection