NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Landlord Didn't File Application in Time February 1, 1993 Rent Cut Reduced Where Fire Destroyed One Room February 1, 1993 Landlord Replaced Central Steam Heating with Gas Heater February 1, 1993 Landlord Employed Tenant's Mother February 1, 1993 Minor Items Need Not Be Listed February 1, 1993 Bathroom Windows Weren't Installed February 1, 1993 New Greenhouse Doesn't Qualify Apartment for ‘First Rent' February 1, 1993 Windows Paid for with ‘Surplus' Insurance Proceeds February 1, 1993 Noisy Boiler February 1, 1993 Defective Windows Irrelevant February 1, 1993 New Vent and Waste Line System Qualifies February 1, 1993 Tenant Claims Landlord Damaged Her Linoleum February 1, 1993 first previous ... 805 806 807(current) 808 809 ... next last