NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Missing Elevator Inspection Certificates January 1, 1993 Landlord Secured Doors January 1, 1993 Rent Hike for New Roof Revoked Due to Leaks January 1, 1993 Tenant Was Compensated for Loss of Space January 1, 1993 Complaint Mailed to Wrong Address January 1, 1993 Landlord Didn't Prove New Apartment Was Created January 1, 1993 Landlord Can Restore Rents After J-51 Tax Abatement Expires January 1, 1993 Landlord Entitled to $15 Supplemental Increase January 1, 1993 Landlord Didn't File Application for New Boiler/Burner on Time January 1, 1993 Temporary Scaffolding Outside Tenant's Apartment January 1, 1993 Landlord Mistakenly Omitted Claimed Costs from Application January 1, 1993 Venetian Blinds Required January 1, 1993 first previous ... 807 808 809(current) 810 811 next last