NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Increase Granted for Thermal Replacement Windows February 1, 1999 Front Court Reconstruction February 1, 1999 Landlord Certified Correction of Violations on Time February 1, 1999 Adequate Doorman Service Provided February 1, 1999 Four-Year Time Limit Applies to Comparable Rent February 1, 1999 Effective Date of MBR Increases Delayed February 1, 1999 $10 Increase for Two Air Conditioners February 1, 1999 $2 Increase for Tenant's Air Conditioner February 1, 1999 No Increase for Modifying Heating Oil Storage Facilities February 1, 1999 Concrete Resurfacing and Handicap Ramps February 1, 1999 Minor Gaps in Door Frame February 1, 1999 Prior Housing Court Rent Cut Covered Different Period February 1, 1999 first previous ... 660 661 662(current) 663 664 ... next last