NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Heat and Hot Water Not Required March 1, 2002 Labor Costs Excluded March 1, 2002 Landlord Not Credited with MCI Rent Increase March 1, 2002 Section 8 Rent Can Be Used as Comparable March 1, 2002 Guidelines Increase Permitted During Time Tenant Not Given Lease March 1, 2002 Pointing Wasn't Done in Connection with New Roof March 1, 2002 Cost of Debris Container Included March 1, 2002 Parapet Work Done with New Roof Installation and Pointing March 1, 2002 Number of Security Guards Reduced March 1, 2002 Landlord Must Give Tenant Two-Year Vacancy Lease March 1, 2002 Part of Apartment Used as Medical Office March 1, 2002 Apartment Renovated After Fire March 1, 2002 first previous ... 586 587 588(current) 589 590 ... next last