NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT - 2ND SERIES - LEGAL REPORTER Tenant's Hand Injured by Elevator Door May 31, 2000 Tenant Voluntarily Agreed t o Give Up Coverage May 31, 2000 Tenant's Brother Didn't Get Approval to Move into Public Housing Apartment April 30, 2000 Landlord Not Liable for Dog Bite April 1, 2000 Tenant Assaulted in Apartment March 1, 2000 Landlord Claims Apartment Used as Artist's Studio February 1, 2000 Notice Didn't Give Relocation Information January 1, 2000 Tenant Gave Up Right to Object to Landlord's Court Papers December 1, 1999 Landlord Proved Rent Owed December 1, 1999 Objectionable Tenant Can't Delay Eviction November 1, 1999 Tenant Slipped on Icy Stoop November 1, 1999 Building Not Covered Under Loft Law November 1, 1999 first previous ... 221 222 223(current) 224 225 ... next last