NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT - 2ND SERIES - LEGAL REPORTER Landlord Cooperative Can Evict Shareholder for Objectionable Conduct April 30, 2007 Landlord Didn't Have Notice of Dangerous Condition November 1, 2001 HUD Approves Demolition for Stock Exchange Expansion November 1, 2001 Landlord Violated Building Code September 30, 2001 Public Housing Tenant Violated Settlement Agreement September 30, 2001 Units Covered After Tax Benefits Expired April 1, 2001 Landlord Can't Appeal Nonfinal DHCR Order January 1, 2001 Tenant Violated Term of Probation July 31, 2000 Increase Revoked After Facade Collapsed June 30, 2000 Tenant Slipped on Contractor's Drop Cloth June 30, 2000 Landlord Promptly Repaired Defective Condition June 30, 2000 Prospective Tenant Didn't Prove Discrimination Based on Race June 30, 2000 first previous ... 220 221 222(current) 223 224 ... next last