NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Landlord Never Sent DC-2 or RR-1 Forms January 1, 1995 Landlord Can Object to Tenant's Second Dog January 1, 1995 New Landlord Illegally Evicted Tenant January 1, 1995 Landlord Never Registered Building with DHCR January 1, 1995 Roommate Claimed Right to Apartment January 1, 1995 Computer Printout of Payment Record OK as Evidence January 1, 1995 Squatters Not Illegally Evicted January 1, 1995 Tenant Had Disorderly and Menacing Visitors January 1, 1995 Judges Shouldn't Order Special Hearings for No-Show Tenants January 1, 1995 Defective Windows Installed January 1, 1995 Top Court Limits Retroactive Increases January 1, 1995 Landlord Intended to Demolish Hotel January 1, 1995 first previous ... 659 660 661(current) 662 663 ... next last