NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Landlord Sent Two Rent Demands February 1, 1995 New Hearing Required to Appoint 7-A Administrator February 1, 1995 New Trial Required on Rent Owed February 1, 1995 Termination Notice Not Specific Enough February 1, 1995 Tenant Didn't Take Prescribed Medication February 1, 1995 Tenant Can't Set Aside Stipulation February 1, 1995 Rent Bill Negates Termination Notice January 1, 1995 Landlord Can Amend Petition January 1, 1995 Landlord Gets Judgment for Back Rent January 1, 1995 DHCR Properly Vacated Order January 1, 1995 Occupant Claimed to Be Deceased Tenant's Uncle January 1, 1995 Apartment Infested with Rats January 1, 1995 first previous ... 658 659 660(current) 661 662 ... next last