NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Building Owned by Nonprofit Institution February 1, 1995 Tenant Murdered in Building February 1, 1995 Court Improperly Increased Tenant's Award February 1, 1995 Tenant's Husband Can't Be Restored to Possession February 1, 1995 No First Rent Where Apartment Size Increased by 27 Square Feet February 1, 1995 Tenant Gets Fees for Warranty of Habitability Claim February 1, 1995 Tenant Claims Infant Burned by Uninsulated Radiator Pipes February 1, 1995 Landlord Can't Collect Fees When Lease Type Size Is Too Small February 1, 1995 Landlord Can't Get Fees for Nonpayment Proceeding February 1, 1995 Tenant Didn't Comply with Stipulation February 1, 1995 Court Correctly Calculated Rent Due February 1, 1995 Abatement Awarded to Loft Tenants February 1, 1995 first previous ... 657 658 659(current) 660 661 ... next last