UNIT/BUILDING NOT COVERED Tenant's Grandson Neither Rent Controlled nor Rent Stabilized May 31, 2009 Apartment Deregulated Even Though Landlord Charged Less Than $2,000 per Month May 31, 2009 Tenant Who Moved into Apartment in 1978 Not Rent Controlled March 31, 2009 Illegal Loft Tenants Not Subject to Rent Stabilization October 31, 2008 Base Date Rent Over $2,000 September 30, 2008 Tenant in Co-op Building Isn't Rent Stabilized September 30, 2008 Tenant Deregulated When Building's J-51 Benefits Ended August 31, 2008 Tenant-Owned Co-op Building Not Subject to Rent Stabilization May 31, 2008 Lease Doesn't Subject Unregulated Apartment to Stabilization March 1, 2008 Mitchell-Lama Building Not Subject to Rent Stabilization February 1, 2008 Tenant of Briarcliff Manor Co-op Not Rent Stabilized January 1, 2008 Salvation Army Residence Not Subject to Rent Stabilization January 1, 2008 first previous ... 18 19 20(current) 21 22 next last