MISCELLANEOUS Failure to Register Precludes MCI Increase September 30, 1993 Landlord Accepted Rent from Apartment Occupant September 30, 1993 $42,000 Overcharge Revoked After Landlord Filed Late Registration September 30, 1993 Landlord Removed Tenant's Roof Antenna September 30, 1993 Landlord Didn't Submit Detailed Schedule of Repairs August 31, 1993 Landlord Belatedly Requested Extra Time to Answer August 31, 1993 Tenants Didn't Ask for Rent Cut August 31, 1993 No Rent Cut for Rent- Controlled Tenants August 31, 1993 Landlord Needs DHCR Order Before Evicting Tenant August 31, 1993 Parking Space Is Essential Service August 31, 1993 Landlord Rehabilitated Building with Government Loan August 31, 1993 Buildings Aren't Horizontal Multiple Dwelling August 31, 1993 first previous ... 120 121 122(current) 123 124 ... next last