NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Bathroom Renovations July 31, 1993 No Increase for Renovated Fireplace July 31, 1993 Certificate of Electrical Inspection Submitted on Appeal July 31, 1993 Landlord Can't Force New Tenant to Rent Garage Space July 31, 1993 Increase Granted for New Windows July 31, 1993 Tenant Filed Fair Market Rent Appeal on Time July 31, 1993 Tenant of Previously Controlled Apartment Needn't Pay Increase July 31, 1993 Tenant Admitted Equipment Was Installed July 31, 1993 Minor Problems with Windows July 31, 1993 Lease Didn't Specify MCI Increase July 31, 1993 Rent Cut Order Issued After Application Filed July 31, 1993 Number of Clotheslines Reduced July 31, 1993 first previous ... 794 795 796(current) 797 798 ... next last