NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Tenants Rent Two Adjoining Apartments March 1, 1995 Landlord Proved Service of Initial Registration March 1, 1995 Landlord Tried to Replace Refrigerator March 1, 1995 Landlord Didn't Prove Improvement Costs March 1, 1995 Landlord Didn't Prove Equipment Delivered to Tenant's Apartment March 1, 1995 Only One Intercom Found Defective March 1, 1995 Tenants Didn't Complain About Intercom March 1, 1995 Tenant's Signature on Lease Doesn't Count as Written Consent to Improvements March 1, 1995 New Floor Tiles Darker Than Old Ones March 1, 1995 DRA Overlooked $15 Supplementary Allowance March 1, 1995 Contract Didn't Break Down Cost of Each Item March 1, 1995 No Rent Hike for Cost of Repairs March 1, 1995 first previous ... 750 751 752(current) 753 754 ... next last