NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Application Filed on Time April 30, 1996 Tenant Withdrew Complaint April 30, 1996 New Landlord Not Notified of Tenant's Complaint April 30, 1996 Increase Granted for New Intercom System April 30, 1996 Triple Damages Revoked April 30, 1996 Security Booth Doesn't Qualify April 30, 1996 Landlord Gets Increase for New Intercoms April 1, 1996 Landlord Gets Increase for Work on Balconies April 1, 1996 Landlord Can Use Former Super's Apartment as Comparable April 1, 1996 Demolition Costs Included April 1, 1996 Landlord Didn't Include Invoices with Answer April 1, 1996 Tenant Vacated Apartment Owing Rent April 1, 1996 first previous ... 724 725 726(current) 727 728 ... next last