NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Tenant Bound by Prior Agreement May 31, 2001 Landlord Deemed to Have Corrected Violations May 31, 2001 DHCR Needn't Verify Tenant's Income Each Year May 31, 2001 Landlord Proved Work Was Done May 31, 2001 Chimney Partially Replaced May 31, 2001 Landlord Can Collect Rent Increase from Second Successive Pass-on Tenant May 31, 2001 DRA Applied Incorrect Guideline Increase April 30, 2001 Tenant Filed Answer to Deregulation Application 80 Days Late April 30, 2001 Two Apartments Combined April 30, 2001 Replacement of Waste Compactor April 30, 2001 Cost of Architect's Fee Included April 30, 2001 Prior Tenant Removed Kitchen Island April 30, 2001 first previous ... 608 609 610(current) 611 612 ... next last