Landlord Can Collect Rent Increase from Second Successive Pass-on Tenant

LVT Number: 15026

(Decision submitted by Jeffrey S. Goldberg of the Lake Success, N.Y., law firm of Robert M. Olshever, PC, attorneys for the landlord.) The DRA ruled for landlord in a dispute over the correct amount of tenant's legal regulated rent. Tenant appealed and lost. Tenant was the second successive family member in the apartment after June 15, 1997, to get pass-on rights from prior rent-stabilized tenant. So landlord was entitled to a 20 percent rent increase for the two-year renewal lease that tenant requested.

(Decision submitted by Jeffrey S. Goldberg of the Lake Success, N.Y., law firm of Robert M. Olshever, PC, attorneys for the landlord.) The DRA ruled for landlord in a dispute over the correct amount of tenant's legal regulated rent. Tenant appealed and lost. Tenant was the second successive family member in the apartment after June 15, 1997, to get pass-on rights from prior rent-stabilized tenant. So landlord was entitled to a 20 percent rent increase for the two-year renewal lease that tenant requested.

Chamberlin: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. PB420077RT (4/19/01) [2-pg. doc.]


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