NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT - 2ND SERIES - LEGAL REPORTER Petition Didn't State Apartment's Section 8 Status July 31, 1998 Jammed Door Lock Not Cause of Tenant's Injury May 31, 1998 Tenant Owns Condominium in Florida May 31, 1998 Interim Use and Occupancy Awarded April 30, 1998 Landlord Claims Tenant Caused Fire March 1, 1998 Tenants Claimed Landlord Provided Excessive Heat March 1, 1998 Four-Year Time Limit Bars Review of Prior Rent History March 1, 1998 Handicapped Tenant Fell on Another Tenant November 1, 1997 Tenant Claims Building Had Broken Front-Door Lock June 30, 1997 Landlord Not Liable for Rape of Tenant in Her Apartment March 1, 1997 Waterproofing with Minimal Pointing Doesn't Qualify February 1, 1997 Tenant Waited Too Long to Sue for Wrongful Eviction December 1, 1996 first previous ... 225 226 227(current) 228 229 ... next last