NEW YORK SUPPLEMENT - 2ND SERIES - LEGAL REPORTER Managing Agent Not Liable for Slip and Fall September 30, 1996 Landlord Not Covered for Criminal Assault September 30, 1996 Landlord May Be Liable for Actions of Tenant August 31, 1996 Tenant's Guest Got Shot in Apartment August 31, 1996 Stair Rail Not Defective July 31, 1996 Tenant Shot Through Apartment Door July 31, 1996 Landlord Not Liable for Plumber's Renovations June 30, 1996 Fall Down Elevator Shaft June 30, 1996 Effective Date of SCRIE Benefits June 30, 1996 Landlord Liable for Lead Paint Poisoning April 30, 1996 DHCR Must Use Law in Effect When Complaint Filed April 30, 1996 Court Appoints Guardian for Tenant March 1, 1996 first previous ... 226 227 228(current) 229 230 ... next last