Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of a new boiler. Landlord claimed that the replaced boiler was 30 years old. The DRA ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. The DRA had asked...
Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of new apartment windows, a security system, and pointing. The DRA disallowed any increase for bathroom modernizations. Landlord appealed and won, in part...
The DRA granted landlord's application for MCI rent hikes based on repiping and kitchen and bathroom modernization. Tenant appealed and lost. The work qualified as an MCI. And tenant wasn't charged for the...
The DRA granted landlord's request for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of garage doors and work done to common area hallways. But the DRA disallowed any increase for the portion of the hallway work...
The DRA granted landlord's MCI rent increase application based on pointing and waterproofing. Tenant appealed, claiming that water was still leaking into his apartment. The DHCR ruled against tenant. Landlord had...
Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on replacement of two of the building's three water heaters. The DRA ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. The work wasn't performed on all similar...
Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on pointing, waterproofing, and stucco. The DRA ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. The DRA found that landlord had already gotten an MCI increase for pointing...
The DRA granted landlord's MCI rent increase application for new roof, railings, and coping, as well as pointing and lintels, but denied an increase for consultant's fees. Landlord appealed and lost. Landlord...
Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of doors throughout the building. The DRA ruled for landlord in part. Landlord appealed and lost. It's established DHCR policy that replacement of the...
Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of a new roof. The DRA ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. One tenant had complained of leakage from the new roof into her apartment in...
The DRA granted landlord's application for MCI rent hikes based on repiping, as well as installation of a new boiler and burner. Tenants appealed and lost. They claimed that the useful life of the old...