EVICTION Illegally Evicted Tenant Can Move Back May 31, 1993 Occupant Isn't Squatter April 30, 1993 Apartment Used as ‘Crack House’ April 30, 1993 Tenant Evicted for Chronic Nonpayment of Rent April 30, 1993 Co-op Owner Seeks Eviction of Rent-Stabilized Tenant's Wife April 1, 1993 Tenant Claims Property Damaged During Wrongful Eviction April 1, 1993 Tenant Didn't Renew Lease on Time April 1, 1993 Tenant Must Replace Cabinets March 1, 1993 Undesirable Tenant Evicted March 1, 1993 Occupant Was ‘Licensee' March 1, 1993 Tenant Renovated Kitchen Without Landlord's Permission March 1, 1993 Landlord Started Proceeding Prematurely February 1, 1993 first previous ... 130 131 132 133(current) 134 next last