Tenant sued landlord for illegal lockout in June 2024. The court ruled for tenant after an inquest at which landlord failed to appear. Tenant had lived in his apartment for 23 years and showed he had been locked out...
Landlord sued to evict unregulated tenant after sending a 90-day termination notice. Tenant claimed that the eviction action was retaliatory and asked the court to dismiss the case. The court ruled for tenant. Tenant...
Landlord sued to evict tenant after a 90-day nonrenewal notice expired. Landlord claimed that it wasn't renewing the lease because tenant owed more than $30,000 in back rent. The case was commenced after the Good...
Landlord of a two-family house sued to evict tenant after her lease term ended and after serving a 90-day termination notice on Nov. 16, 2023. In response to the eviction petition, tenant claimed that the Good Cause...
Landlord of a one-family house sued to evict unregulated tenant on March 26, 2024, after having served a 30-day termination notice. The court assigned an initial return date of June 11, 2024. The case was adjourned...
The owner of an upstate house sued to evict his ex-wife, claiming that she was a squatter in the house and had moved in during 2022 while he was out of the country. They had divorced in 2010 although they still owned...
Yonkers tenant sued to evict another apartment occupant he claimed was the subtenant of a room in his apartment. The occupant asked the court to dismiss the case, claiming that tenant had no standing to maintain a...
Landlord sued to evict tenant in November 2022 for nonpayment of rent. Landlord obtained a default judgment of possession and eviction warrant against tenant after she failed to appear in court. On Dec. 14, 2022,...
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant for nonpayment of rent. The court ruled for landlord and issued a judgment of possession and eviction warrant after tenant failed to comply with five separate settlement...
Landlord sued to eject tenant for breach of contract and to recover money owed for nonpayment of rent and use and occupancy. The court ruled for landlord and issued a money judgment for rent and use and occupancy...
Landlord sued former tenant, seeking a money judgment for unpaid rent arrears and other expenses. A default judgment was entered after tenant failed to appear in court. Tenant later obtained legal counsel and got the...
On April 20, 2024, as part of the annual Budget Bill, New York State amended Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law (RPAPL) Section 711, which defines who is included in a definition of a "tenant," to...