EVICTION Eviction Warrant Delayed July 31, 1994 Landlord Can't Evict Without Court Order July 31, 1994 Tenant Can't Move Back After Eviction June 30, 1994 Tenant Gave 30-Day Notice June 30, 1994 Landlord Can't Include Attorney's Fees in Rent Bill June 30, 1994 Occupant's Roommate Can't Intervene in Case June 30, 1994 Tenant Seeks Expenses for Illegal Eviction June 30, 1994 Chronic Nonpayment of Rent June 30, 1994 Landlord Didn't Prove Ownership June 30, 1994 Illegally Evicted Tenant Can Move Back June 30, 1994 Tenant Didn't Comply with Stipulation June 30, 1994 DSS Paid Back Rent Due May 31, 1994 first previous ... 124 125 126(current) 127 128 ... next last