DEMOLITION DHCR Must Perform Environmental Impact Review July 31, 2008 Landlord's Demolition Application Denied July 31, 2008 DHCR Can't Change Its Ruling in Demolition Case July 31, 2008 Landlord's Claim Against City for Building Demolition Dismissed June 30, 2008 Landlord Can't Convert Mitchell-Lama Complex May 31, 2008 DHCR Can Reconsider Prior Approval of Demolition Application May 31, 2008 Landlord's Application Denied February 1, 2008 Tenant Gets One-Year Renewal Lease Based on Landlord's Untimely Notice June 30, 2007 Landlord Showed Financial Ability to Complete Demolition September 30, 2006 Landlord Proved DOB Approved Plans November 1, 2004 Landlord Submits Plans for New Building February 1, 2003 Building Shell Can Be Left Intact January 1, 1999 first previous ... 2 3 4 5(current) 6 next last