Replacement Toilets Must Match Color Scheme

LVT Number: 9477

Landlord asked the DHCR whether replacing color toilets with white ones would be a service reduction. The DHCR said ''yes.'' To avoid a rent cut based on reduced services, landlord must try to match the color scheme of the other fixtures as closely as possible. It doesn't matter that the city will only help landlord pay for white toilets.

Landlord asked the DHCR whether replacing color toilets with white ones would be a service reduction. The DHCR said ''yes.'' To avoid a rent cut based on reduced services, landlord must try to match the color scheme of the other fixtures as closely as possible. It doesn't matter that the city will only help landlord pay for white toilets.

DHCR Opin. Ltr. by Gary Turk (8/17/94) [2-page document]


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