Rent-stabilized tenant complained of rent overcharge based on rent surcharges collected by landlord for water usage. The DRA ruled for tenant, finding that in NYC landlords aren't allowed to charge tenants for...
Rent-stabilized tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge between May 1, 2019, and April 2023 when he moved out. The DRA ruled for tenant, finding that the bulk of the overcharge was caused by landlord...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for permission to modify building-wide services by converting a manually operated elevator to a fully automatic self-service elevator and eliminating the manual elevator operator. The DRA...
Rent-stabilized tenants complained of a building-wide service reduction based on landlord's modification of the lock system for the main building entrance before early 2021 without obtaining prior DHCR approval...
Landlord applied to the DHCR for permission to modify required services by converting from individual apartment gas meters to a master meter gas service where landlord would pay for tenants' cooking gas service....
In a proposed class action, current and former building tenants sued landlord for curtailing a swimming pool amenity at the building by restricting two of the three lanes at the pool to swim classes for nontenants...
Landlord filed an Article 78 court appeal of a DHCR decision that denied permission to modify building-wide services for rent-regulated tenants in its building, by eliminating three elevator operators with shifts...
Landlord filed an Article 78 court appeal of a DHCR decision finding that garage parking at landlord's building was a required ancillary service under rent stabilization. Landlord claimed that the parking garage...
Landlord asked the DHCR for permission to replace gas stoves with electric stoves for rent-regulated tenants in its building. Landlord noted that it paid the gas bill for the building and that tenants paid for their...
Landlord asked the DHCR for permission to modify required services by replacing stoves that used cooking gas service with electric cooking stoves. The DRA ruled for landlord and ordered a permanent rent reduction for...
Landlord asked the DHCR for permission to modify building services for rent-regulated tenants by replacing a 24/7 lobby attendant with a 24/7 remotely monitored security system. The DRA ruled for landlord.
Landlord applied to the DHCR for permission to modify building services by moving tenant mailboxes from an open area to a new secured mailroom. The DRA ruled for landlord on condition that: (1) tenants' rents be...