Order Mailed to Wrong Address

LVT Number: 6860

(Decision submitted by Patrick K. Munson of the Manhattan law firm of Kucker Kraus & Bruh, attorneys for the landlord.) The DRA suspended all fuel cost adjustments for 1985 in landlord's building, and landlord appealed. Although landlord's PAR was three months late, the DHCR treated it as if it had been timely filed. The order landlord appealed from was mailed to the wrong address; therefore, landlord wasn't properly notified of the DRA's decision. Landlord's fuel cost adjustments were also reinstated.

(Decision submitted by Patrick K. Munson of the Manhattan law firm of Kucker Kraus & Bruh, attorneys for the landlord.) The DRA suspended all fuel cost adjustments for 1985 in landlord's building, and landlord appealed. Although landlord's PAR was three months late, the DHCR treated it as if it had been timely filed. The order landlord appealed from was mailed to the wrong address; therefore, landlord wasn't properly notified of the DRA's decision. Landlord's fuel cost adjustments were also reinstated.

Dearborn Associates: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. CG 220050-RO (2/26/93) [2-page document]


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