Landlord Didn't Prove It Paid Extra for Super's Work

LVT Number: 9388

Tenant complained of a rent overcharge. Landlord claimed that it had made various improvements to tenant's apartment. Landlord submitted several bills for the improvements, including one for $900 from the building's super to remove the old kitchen cabinets, install new kitchen appliances, and install new bathroom and kitchen sinks. The DRA disallowed the cost for the super's work and found that landlord had collected a rent overcharge. Landlord appealed, and the DHCR upheld the DRA's ruling. Landlord didn't prove that it had paid the super over and above his regular salary for the work.

Tenant complained of a rent overcharge. Landlord claimed that it had made various improvements to tenant's apartment. Landlord submitted several bills for the improvements, including one for $900 from the building's super to remove the old kitchen cabinets, install new kitchen appliances, and install new bathroom and kitchen sinks. The DRA disallowed the cost for the super's work and found that landlord had collected a rent overcharge. Landlord appealed, and the DHCR upheld the DRA's ruling. Landlord didn't prove that it had paid the super over and above his regular salary for the work.

295 Ocean Parkway, Apt. B10: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. FH 210209-RO (11/30/94) [9-page document]


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