In two recent cases, landlords asked the DHCR for Certification to Establish Eligibility to Recover Costs on Proposed Individual Apartment Improvements (IAIs) Completed in a Vacant Housing Accommodation. Landlords...
Tenant complained to the DHCR of rent overcharge. The DRA ruled for tenant and directed landlord to refund a total of $2,687, including triple damages. Landlord appealed and lost. In September 2022, landlord had...
Landlord of a rent-stabilized building in Kingston applied to the DHCR, seeking an increase in tenant's rent based on unique and peculiar circumstances. The DRA ruled against landlord, who appealed and lost. The...
In two similar cases, the DHCR addressed applications by individual shareholder-tenants who sought comparative hardship rent increases for rent-stabilized apartments that each individual held in their respective...
Effective Nov. 21, 2022, Chapter 619 of the Laws of the State of New York of 2022 prohibits owners of rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments in "electrical exclusion" buildings from the continued...
Landlord sued the DHCR, claiming that the agency's post-HSTPA policies and procedures concerning individual apartment improvement (IAI) rent increases were improper. After HSTPA was enacted, landlords were...
Landlord sued to evict family member successor tenant of rent-stabilized apartment for failure to sign a renewal lease. The renewal lease offer was for $2,720 for a one year or $2,747 for a two-year renewal. Tenant...
Landlord asked the DHCR in 2018 for a ruling on an apartment's rent regulation status and for amendment of the unit's 2014 and 2015 annual rent registrations based on its claim that the unit became...
Landlord applied for 2020-21 Maximum Base Rent (MBR) increases for rent-controlled apartments in its building. The DRA denied landlord's application on July 30, 2020, finding that landlord failed to meet...
Landlord sought maximum base rent (MBR) rent increases for rent-controlled apartments in its building for the 2020-21 cycle. On June 10, 2019, landlord commenced the proceeding by filing a violation certification (VC...
Landlord filed an Application for Rent Increase based on Alternative Hardship with the DHCR, and included 2018 building income and expense information for the test year period. The DRA ruled against landlord, finding...
(Decision submitted by attorney David Hershey-Webb of the Manhattan law firm of Himmelstein, McConnell, Gribben, Donoghue & Joseph LLP, who represented the tenants.)