Landlord Can Eliminate Outgoing Telephone Call Switchboard Services
LVT Number: 10153
(Decision submitted by Karen Schwartz-Sidrane of the Manhattan law firm of Rosenberg & Estis, P.C., attorneys for the landlord.) Landlord applied to the DRA for permission to change or decrease switchboard services provided to building tenants. The DRA ruled for landlord in part. Landlord was granted permission to eliminate only the outgoing telephone call service from the switchboard system, since AT&T could no longer provide maintenance or parts for this service. However, landlord was also directed to continue to provide tenants with all switchboard-related services provided since the base date and to maintain lobby employees 24 hours each day, seven days a week. Such employees would be responsible for operating the new switchboard, receiving tenants' mail and messages, and providing any and all other switchboard-related services.
Liant Record Co.: DRA Order No. ZIC-430003-OD (8/2/95) [3-page document]