Filing and Permit Fees Not Included

LVT Number: 14058

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of a new boiler. The DRA ruled for landlord, but disallowed any increase for payment of permit and filing fees. Landlord appealed and lost. It is DHCR policy that certain related expenses, such as filing and permit fees and taxes paid, aren't part of the MCI expenses permitted to be included in the cost of the improvement.

Landlord applied for MCI rent hikes based on the installation of a new boiler. The DRA ruled for landlord, but disallowed any increase for payment of permit and filing fees. Landlord appealed and lost. It is DHCR policy that certain related expenses, such as filing and permit fees and taxes paid, aren't part of the MCI expenses permitted to be included in the cost of the improvement.

343 6th Ave.: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. HJ230082RO (3/30/00) [2-pg. doc.]


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