DHCR Notice Didn't Mention Dirty Hallways

LVT Number: 8476

Tenants complained of a decrease in building-wide services. They claimed that landlord didn't maintain building hallways. They also complained about the elevator. An inspection showed that the hallway floors were dirty and that the elevator needed repairs. The DRA sent landlord a notice about the elevator condition and gave landlord a chance to make repairs. The notice didn't mention the floors. After a second inspection, the floors were still dirty. The DRA ruled for tenants and reduced their rents. Land- lord appealed, and the DHCR ruled for landlord.

Tenants complained of a decrease in building-wide services. They claimed that landlord didn't maintain building hallways. They also complained about the elevator. An inspection showed that the hallway floors were dirty and that the elevator needed repairs. The DRA sent landlord a notice about the elevator condition and gave landlord a chance to make repairs. The notice didn't mention the floors. After a second inspection, the floors were still dirty. The DRA ruled for tenants and reduced their rents. Land- lord appealed, and the DHCR ruled for landlord. The DRA's notice of the inspection report was incomplete because it didn't mention the dirty hallway floors. This was improper procedure and didn't give landlord a chance to correct the condition.

Kiss: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. GA 430129-RO (11/10/93) [3-page document]


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