Cost of Steam Cleaning and Window Lintel Replacement Included
LVT Number: 9821
Landlord applied for MCI rent increases based on the installation of thermal windows, pointing and waterproofing, steam cleaning, lintel replacement, and fire escape painting. The total cost was more than $92,000. The DRA ruled for landlord in part. The DRA found that the windows qualified as MCI work, but the pointing and waterproofing was incomplete. The steam cleaning and lintel replacement also didn't qualify because they weren't done in conjunction with a qualifying MCI. The fire escape painting was also disallowed; this wasn't MCI work. Landlord appealed. The DHCR ruled for landlord in part. Landlord did comprehensive pointing and waterproofing as necessary on exposed sides of the building; this is enough to qualify as an MCI. And since the installation of the window lintels and steam cleaning were done at the same time as the pointing and waterproofing, they qualified as related to the MCI work.
Kokanakos: DHCR Adm. Rev. Dckt. No. CG 230108 RO (1/12/95) [4-page document]
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