UNIT/BUILDING COVERED Premises Subject to HUD Program Are Covered February 1, 1998 Tenant Took Occupancy Before Tax Abatement Ended June 30, 1997 Landlord Can't Reserve Right to Do Future Work September 30, 1996 Co-op Units Revert to Rent Stabilization After Foreclosure May 31, 1996 Apartment Remains Covered After Tax Benefits Expire March 1, 1996 Tenant's Hotel Room Covered March 1, 1996 Foreclosed Co-op Returns to Rent Stabilization January 1, 1996 Landlord Submitted Incomplete Substantial Rehab Application June 30, 1994 Partially Enclosed Cubicle in Lodging House Is Rent-Stabilized April 30, 1994 Tenant Can't Waive Rights Under Rent Stabilization May 31, 1993 Rooms in Lodging House Are Covered April 30, 1993 Section 8 Coverage Doesn't Exempt Apartment April 1, 1993 first previous ... 25 26 27 28(current) 29 next last