SUBSTANTIAL REHABILITATION Building Substantially Rehabilitated After 1974 Is Exempt from Rent Stabilization May 31, 2007 Prior Settlement Agreement, Falsely Stating Building Substantially Rehabilitated, Not Binding April 9, 2007 J-51 Tenant Remains Rent Stabilized January 1, 2007 Building Not Substantially Rehabilitated January 1, 2007 Building Substantially Rehabilitated December 1, 2006 Building Substantially Rehabilitated by Prior Landlord November 1, 2006 Landlord Claims Building Was Substantially Rehabilitated November 1, 2006 Landlord's Proposal Falls Short of Substantial Rehabilitation August 31, 2006 No New C of O for Claimed Rehab April 30, 2006 DHCR Properly Denied Landlord's Application for Substantial Rehabilitation Exemption November 1, 2005 Building Exempt Based on Substantial Rehabilitation July 31, 2005 Landlord Didn't Prove Substantial Rehabilitation March 1, 2005 first previous ... 12 13 14(current) 15 16 next last