SUBSTANTIAL REHABILITATION Tenant Bound by Court Ruling on Building's Substantial Rehab June 30, 2009 Was Substantial Rehab Completed After Jan. 1, 1974? March 31, 2009 Building Exempt from Rent Stabilization October 31, 2008 Insufficient Proof of Substantial Rehab October 31, 2008 Landlord Claims Building Was Substantially Rehabilitated August 31, 2008 Prior Landlords Weren't Tenants Before Building Rehab March 31, 2008 Landlord Proves Building Exempt Based on Substantial Rehab March 1, 2008 Is J-51 Building Subject to Stabilization and Deregulation? March 1, 2008 Building Ruled Exempt from Stabilization Years After Rehab February 1, 2008 Landlord Claims Building Was Substantially Rehabilitated February 1, 2008 Insufficient Proof of Substantial Rehabilitation January 1, 2008 Substantial Rehab Completed After Jan. 1, 1974 January 1, 2008 first previous ... 11 12 13(current) 14 15 ... next last