Landlord sued to evict HUD Section 8 tenant's grandson after tenant died. The grandson claimed succession rights. Landlord argued that the grandson wasn't listed on tenant's annual income certifications....
Landlord sued to evict elderly tenant's brother from rent-stabilized, federally subsidized apartment after tenant moved out to live with her daughter. The brother claimed succession rights. He claimed that he had...
Rent-controlled tenant's son asked the DHCR to grant him succession rights after tenant died in 2009. The DRA ruled for the son. Landlord appealed and lost. Landlord claimed that the son failed to prove he lived...
Rent-controlled tenant's family member claimed succession rights to the apartment after tenant died. The DRA ruled against the family member, who was adopted only 22 days before tenant died. The DRA found that...
Tenant's son sought a renewal increase in his name after tenant died. The DRA ruled for the son and approved a 20 percent vacancy increase based on a finding that the son was the second successor tenant since...
Rent-stabilized tenant's daughter complained that landlord refused to give her a renewal lease after tenant died. The DHCR ruled for tenant. Landlord then filed an Article 78 court appeal. The court sent the case...
After Mitchell-Lama tenant moved out of an apartment, his sister claimed that she was a remaining family member entitled to the apartment. HPD ruled that the sister had no succession rights. The sister filed an...
Landlord of project-based Section 8 housing sued to evict deceased tenant's son from an apartment after tenant died in 2006. The court ruled for landlord, finding that the son didn't have succession rights....
Landlord sued to evict rent-stabilized tenant's granddaughter after tenant moved out of the apartment to enter a nursing home in 2010. The granddaughter claimed succession rights. The court ruled for the...
NYCHA tenant's son claimed remaining family member status after tenant died. NYCHA ruled against the son, who filed an Article 78 appeal and lost. The son was an original tenant in the apartment, but his mother...