EVICTION Landlord Didn't Prove It Would Use Entire Structure for Business Expansion August 31, 1999 Substantial Alteration of Building with Rent-Controlled Tenant March 1, 1999 Landlord Must Restore Tenant to Occupancy After Fire April 30, 1997 Eviction Delayed While DHCR Decides Coverage Issue April 30, 1997 Repairs Didn't Make Apartment Unusable April 30, 1997 Landlord Didn't Prove Need for Apartments for Education Purposes March 1, 1997 Second Nonrenewal Notice Required November 1, 1996 Landlord Can't Get Apartment for Use by School December 1, 1995 Tenant's Eviction Delayed Pending Overcharge Decision July 31, 1995 Landlord Can Get Apartments for Funeral Business May 31, 1995 Landlord Intended to Demolish Hotel January 1, 1995 OK to Evict Occupant of Rent-Controlled Apartment December 1, 1994 first previous 1 2(current) 3 next last