NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Apartment with Same Number of Rooms Is Comparable March 1, 1994 Increase Granted for Roof and Intercom System March 1, 1994 Condition Listed in Reduction Order Too Vague March 1, 1994 Price for Security Guards Not Included in Labor Cost Adjustment March 1, 1994 Prior Landlord Can't File MCI Application February 1, 1994 Gas Piping and Wiring Installed with New Burners February 1, 1994 Landlord Submitted DOB Approvals for Elevators After Case Reopened February 1, 1994 Landlord Proved Rent Charged from Base Date February 1, 1994 Landlord Didn't Prove Apartment Enlarged February 1, 1994 Tenants Didn't Join Appeal on Time February 1, 1994 DHCR Inspection Didn't Corroborate Improvements Listed on Invoices February 1, 1994 Customized Heater and Air-Conditioner Units Qualify February 1, 1994 first previous ... 779 780 781(current) 782 783 ... next last