NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Landlord Can't Require Tenant to Provide Information November 1, 1995 Landlord Didn't Get Notice of Right to Request 'No-Access' Inspection November 1, 1995 Tenant Wanted Inspection Delayed November 1, 1995 Landlord Didn't Correct Radiator Problem November 1, 1995 DRA Incorrectly Calculated Increase for Fractional-Term Leases November 1, 1995 Landlord Didn't Provide Additional Information November 1, 1995 No Increase for Leaky Roof November 1, 1995 Landlord Mistakenly Undercharged Tenant November 1, 1995 DRA Improperly Expanded Effect of Order November 1, 1995 Apartment Properly Used as Comparable November 1, 1995 One Tenant Complains of Faulty Windows November 1, 1995 Subsequent Fire Doesn't Affect Increase for Elevator Modernization November 1, 1995 first previous ... 732 733 734(current) 735 736 ... next last