NYS DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL Dirty Laundry Room Floor February 1, 1997 Tenant Bound by Prior Court Stipulation February 1, 1997 Tenants Claim Roof Leaks February 1, 1997 DOB Elevator Reports Don't Support Tenant's Claims February 1, 1997 Apartment Previously Occupied by Super February 1, 1997 Harassment Finding Against Two Tenants No Bar to Building- Wide Increase February 1, 1997 Chipped Tiles in Bathroom Shower February 1, 1997 Landlord Corrected ‘Brown Water' Condition January 1, 1997 No Right to Air Conditioner Sleeve January 1, 1997 Building Not Exempt Based on Federal ‘Preemption' January 1, 1997 Landlord Filed Late Registration January 1, 1997 Landlord Must Refund Tenants' Payment for Air Conditioner Reinstallation January 1, 1997 first previous ... 703 704 705(current) 706 707 ... next last