Landlord applied to the DHCR for MCI rent hikes based on installation of a garage roof. The DRA ruled for landlord. Tenant appealed and lost. Tenant argued that tenants who didn't own cars and don't use the...
Landlord asked the DHCR for permission to modify services for rent-stabilized tenants by replacing all gas cooking stoves in the building with electric stoves. The DRA ruled for landlord. Tenants appealed and lost....
Landlord asked the DHCR in 2019 to amend a 2002 rent registration for an apartment that it claimed was mistakenly registered as temporarily exempt instead of permanently exempt. The DRA ruled against landlord, who...
Landlord requested a ruling from the DHCR in 2015 concerning a building's rent regulation status, and claimed that the building had been substantially rehabilitated in 2000. The DRA ruled against landlord,...
Landlord asked the DHCR in 2017 to determine if it could give the former rent-stabilized tenant's successor tenant a renewal lease based on the prior tenant's legal regulated rent. After the prior tenant...
Landlord asked the DHCR to amend its 2017 apartment registration and to expunge 2018 and 2019 registrations for the same apartment. Landlord claimed that the unit had previously been deregulated in January 2017 due...
In 2018, landlord asked the DHCR for a ruling on an apartment's rent-regulatory status. Landlord claimed that the building was a two-family dwelling built in 1942 and therefore wasn't subject to rent...
Tenant asked the DHCR to determine whether her apartment was rent stabilized. The DRA ruled for tenant and ordered landlord to offer tenant a rent-stabilized lease and to register the apartment.
Landlord asked the DHCR in 2019 for permission to amend its annual rent registration summaries for 2016 and 2017 by removing an apartment from the total rent-stabilized units and adding it to the total number of...
Landlord applied for high-rent/high-income deregulation of tenant's rent-stabilized apartment in 2017 after tenant failed to respond to the Income Certification Form (ICF) that landlord had sent him. In November...
Tenant complained that his apartment had been improperly deregulated. The DRA ruled against tenant, finding in 2018 that the apartment was a newly created unit, that the first legal rent was above the $2,000 high-...
Tenant filed a fair market rent appeal (FMRA) in 2017, challenging the initial $2,400 rent set by landlord in 2012 after the prior rent-controlled tenant vacated the apartment. The DRA dismissed the FMRA as untimely...