NYC ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD Boiler Not Maintained in Safe Condition April 1, 1994 One Notice Form Filed for Four Buildings April 1, 1994 Inspector Cited Wrong Regulation April 1, 1994 New Landlord Not Liable for Pre-Existing Violation March 1, 1994 Apartment Number Not Specified on Violation Notice March 1, 1994 Landlord Must Clean Excavation Hole March 1, 1994 Landlord Didn't Sign Certificate of Correction March 1, 1994 'Not an Asbestos Project' Form Not Completely Filled Out March 1, 1994 Violation Improperly Issued on Collection Day February 1, 1994 Landlord Proved Reasonable Efforts to Clean Sidewalk February 1, 1994 Landlord Sold Building Before Violation Issued February 1, 1994 Landlord Proved It Didn't Place Shopping Bags at Curb February 1, 1994 first previous ... 120 121 122(current) 123 124 ... next last