NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Tenant Waived Claim of Defective Notice April 1, 1993 Landlord Can Charge First Rent April 1, 1993 Landlord Didn't Refund Overcharge April 1, 1993 DHCR Lost PAR File April 1, 1993 Rent Cut Applies to More Tenants April 1, 1993 Building Bought at Judicial Sale April 1, 1993 Tenant Claims Property Damaged During Wrongful Eviction April 1, 1993 Tenant Complaint Needn't Include Supporting Facts April 1, 1993 DHCR Properly Rejected Settlement April 1, 1993 Court Can't Change Effective Date of DHCR's Order April 1, 1993 $762,000 Rent Cut Wasn't Excessive April 1, 1993 Landlord Must Appeal Before Requesting Reconsideration April 1, 1993 first previous ... 722 723 724(current) 725 726 ... next last