NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Landlord Didn't Complete J-51 Application December 1, 1994 Tenant Can't Vacate Stipulation December 1, 1994 Landlord Must Prove Initial Registration Filed with DHCR December 1, 1994 Landlord Didn't Make Proper Rent Demand December 1, 1994 Landlord Filed Defective Building Registration December 1, 1994 Court Can't Direct Tenant as to Payment of Future Rent December 1, 1994 Tenant Died While Case Pending December 1, 1994 Court Can't Rule on DHCR Policy Statement December 1, 1994 DSS Paid Tenant's Rent to Prior Landlord December 1, 1994 Eviction Warrant Vacated December 1, 1994 Landlord Didn't Appear at Hearing December 1, 1994 Landlord Didn't Comply with Consent Order December 1, 1994 first previous ... 662 663 664(current) 665 666 ... next last