NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Repairs Didn't Make Apartment Unusable April 30, 1997 Prior Rent Exempt Despite Zoning Law Violation April 30, 1997 New Landlord Can Take Over Nonpayment Case April 1, 1997 Tenant Can Vacate Stipulation April 1, 1997 Rent Hike Revoked April 1, 1997 Tenant Covered by Loft Law April 1, 1997 Landlord Provided Adequate Substitute for Elevator Operators April 1, 1997 Landlord Proved Compelling Need for Apartment April 1, 1997 Former Occupant Can't Be Restored to Possession April 1, 1997 Landlord Can Keep Collecting Improvement Rent Hike Despite Rent Cut Order April 1, 1997 Tenant Filed for Bankruptcy April 1, 1997 Termination Notice Didn't Give Enough Facts April 1, 1997 first previous ... 572 573 574(current) 575 576 ... next last