NEW YORK LAW JOURNAL Apartment Covered Despite Post-Conversion Vacancy May 31, 1998 Parties Agreed on Amount of Back Rent Owed May 31, 1998 Prolonged Absence from Apartment May 31, 1998 Tenant Can't Vacate Judgment Based on Violations May 31, 1998 Tenant Institutionalized for Depression May 31, 1998 Landlord Can Evict Unauthorized Subtenant May 31, 1998 Tenant Bound by Settlement Agreement Signed by Guardian May 31, 1998 Tenant Overcharged Subtenant May 31, 1998 Occupant Not Squatter May 31, 1998 Loft Building with Fewer Than Six Units Covered Under Rent Stabilization May 31, 1998 Lease Clause Requiring Automatic Forfeiture for Nonpayment Invalid May 31, 1998 Waste and Debris in Tenant's Apartment May 31, 1998 first previous ... 530 531 532(current) 533 534 ... next last